Interested in sponsorship opportunities with Theatre Projects Manitoba?
We offer various levels of sponsorship for our season as outlined below! All inquiries about pricing, dates, or general questions can be sent HERE.
*First come-first served to select performance dates.
- 4 tickets to your sponsored performance.
- Acknowledgement on social media accounts.
- Special social media shout out on the day of the performance.
- 10 tickets to the Outreach Event you have chosen to sponsor.
- Acknowledgement on social media accounts.
- Special social media shout out on the day of the event.
- 10 tickets to both Outreach Events
- Acknowledgement on social media accounts.
- Special social media shout out on the day of the events.
- Listed on our website as “Outreach Sponsor”
For special performances like talkbacks, PWYC, etc.
- 2 tickets to Opening Night PLUS 4 tickets for the sponsored performance.
- Acknowledgement on social media accounts and website.
- Special social media shout out on the day of the sponsored performance.
- Program slip added to sponsored performance.
- Sign displayed in the lobby during your sponsored performance.
- 4 Opening Night tickets PLUS 4 tickets to our Community Outreach event for the show.
- Sponsorship featured on social media accounts and in show program.
- Mention in all social media posts throughout the run.
- Sign displayed in lobby.
- Verbal acknowledgement from Artistic Director on opening night.
- The opportunity to speak at the reception on opening night.
- 4 Opening Night tickets for each show of the season PLUS 4 tickets to each of our Community Outreach event for the season.
- Sponsorship featured on social media accounts and in programs.
- Season Sponsor acknowledgement on Website and in all print and social media advertisements.
- Mention in all social media posts throughout the run of each show in the season.
- Sign displayed in lobby for each show of the season.
- Verbal acknowledgement from Artistic Director at every opening night and outreach event of the season.
- The opportunity to speak at the reception for each opening night of the season.
- Option to announce the winner of our 50/50 season draw at the closing performance of the season.