Stretching Hide by Dale Lakevold & Darrell Racine

2007/2008 Season

Flyer- Stretching Hide_Page_1Written by Dale Lakevold & Darrell Racine

Director: Arne MacPherson
Set & Costume Design: Grant Guy
Lighting Design: Hugh Conacher
Composer & Fiddler: Jesse Hull
Stage Manager: Michelle Lagasse
Rehearsal Stage Manager: Natalie Woodburn-Heron
Assistant Stage Manager: Ivory Seol
Production/Design Assistant: Carolyn Gray
Set Construction: Alison Nutt
House Technician: Randy Harder


Eric Blais- Marten Scott (The Kid)
Ryan Cunningham- Frank (Franky) Ducharme
Jonathan Risher- Eugene Poitras
Thomas Hauff- Alfred Ducharme
Jesse Hull- Fiddler
Paula Jean Prudat- Marie Poitras
Daria Puttaert- Clara Blackmore
Jan Skene- Sandy Scott

Nov.1-11, 2007 @ WCD Studio

The Willows, Saskatchewan: A young Métis lawyer introduces his young finacée to the chaotic life of his community one July long weekend. That weekend his law practice and his personal life are threatened when he is accused by the provincial game wardens of poaching a deer for its antlers.
With a pre-production history that includes winning the Canadian National Playwriting Competition, Stretching Hide is one of the most highly anticipated productions in the 18-year history of Theatre Projects Manitoba.

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