A COVID-19 Update for our Community


We sincerely hope that you are well and maintaining an island of calm during this turbulent and unnerving time. As COVID -19 impacts our whole world, we are concerned for the well-being of you, our community – the audiences, artists, donors and stakeholders who give us purpose, focus and keep our hearts wide open. Please take good care of yourselves and follow all the excellent advice of our health authorities. We agree their advice to washing your hands frequently and thoroughly and to embrace social distancing is our best hope of containing the spread of the virus. For critical information, there are links below – you can also sign up to receive updates from the MB government to keep in the loop.

We are saddened to announce that we will not be proceeding with the world premiere of Rick Chafe’s new play Five Moments in our 2019/20 season. The play was scheduled for April 23rd – May 3rd, 2020. We hope to reschedule in the coming months but do not have specific dates at this time.

This is a hard one for TPM. New plays are special and this spring our community lost three shows that were poised to meet audiences for the first time; WJT’s production of Narrow Bridge by Daniel Thau-Eleff and PTE’s Gingerbread Girl by Sharon Bajer. The loss to Manitoba artists, technicians and administrators is unprecedented.  We stand in solidarity with all those in our industry – here in Manitoba – and the entire Canadian Theatre community who have shuttered their seasons to help keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.

We will be reaching out in the coming weeks. TPM has amazing community of partners and supporters. Some of you are season pass holders and some of you have purchased tickets to Five Moments – we appreciate your patience while we sort this out and be assured we are doing our utmost to look after our community; audience, artists, crew, staff and each other.

We will also share some of the creative projects and initiatives happening online. We will provide information to support our community’s artists. We will keep thinking of you all, and keep sending the best thoughts your way.

Our office is closed to the public but we are online and working from home.  Email is the fastest way to reach us: [email protected] but phone messages can be left at 204-989-2400. We are grateful that technology continues to connect us and keep us social.

Till soon, take care.


Helpful Tips

This COVID 19 primer was sent to us by our fabulous tech sponsor, Seerx. All helpful and concise – we are passing it along:

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has touched us all. And we have a ways to go yet. But we will get through this. Mostly, by helping each other.

By keeping that magical social distance of 2m between ourselves and other people until the pandemic is deemed over. Why its our best tool in this fight.
By using proper hygiene when coughing and/or sneezing.
By properly washing our hands and trying not to touch our faces. Here is the why.
By going out only if necessary currently, to keep the possibility of being infected as low as possible.
By following a general quarantine when the government tells us we all must stay home to try to eradicate the virus by separating infected patients from healthy individuals for a long enough time until the virus is no longer transmissible.
By doing a COVID-19 self assessment to see if you qualify for getting yourself tested at one of the government COVID-19 testing sites in our province.
By calling Health Links to get an appointment to be tested if you qualify after doing the COVID-19 self assessment.
By keeping up to date with what our provincial government has to say.